Legend has it that freshman gain 15 pounds during their first year. Stress, poor sleep, junk food, beer and the absence of a mother, stacks the odds in favor of weight gain. I experienced it. Maybe you did as well. Or are about to. Don’t worry. [adsanity id=2529 align=aligncenter /] First, this legendary college weight […]
A Latte a Day Will Make You Fat
Drink one Starbuck’s Latte a day for one year and gain 20 pounds. Surprised? Not only do you burn $5 a day that you could be investing, but you also get fat. Poor AND fat. [adsanity id=2529 align=aligncenter /] The book The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach is essential reading for financial literacy. He teaches […]
How a Thin Model Will Kill Your Weight Loss Chances
Life is unfair. Some people simply look better. Their faces are more symmetric. They are well proportioned. They have fat, but it is in the right places. Skin tone. Muscle definition. There is a lot that goes into beauty. All humans strive for beauty. Why? Because it is a sign of vitality. We idolize […]