Legend has it that freshman gain 15 pounds during their first year. Stress, poor sleep, junk food, beer and the absence of a mother, stacks the odds in favor of weight gain. I experienced it. Maybe you did as well. Or are about to. Don’t worry. [adsanity id=2529 align=aligncenter /] First, this legendary college weight […]
A Latte a Day Will Make You Fat
Drink one Starbuck’s Latte a day for one year and gain 20 pounds. Surprised? Not only do you burn $5 a day that you could be investing, but you also get fat. Poor AND fat. [adsanity id=2529 align=aligncenter /] The book The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach is essential reading for financial literacy. He teaches […]
Dark Chocolate Weight Loss: One Tasty Health Benefit
Not only is dark chocolate delicious (my favorite treat), but it has proven health benefits. Chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure, improve cholesterol as well as improve insulin sensitivity (1, 2, 3, 4). [adsanity id=2529 align=aligncenter /] A study from the Archives of Internal Medicine (5) suggests dark chocolate may help with weight […]
Why Diets Fail and Why Sticking To It Matters More
There are more than 1000 diet books available and more popping up on Amazon every month. These are the “popular diets.” The newest fads. The new diet that everyone is talking about and promises to fix it all. In medicine I’ve learned to be skeptical when there are a thousand treatments for a condition. […]
Exercise to Live (and Not Die)
Physical activity is a panacea if ever there was one. Need more energy? Exercise. Want to boost your mood? Get regular exercise. Need to loose weight? Try . . . you guessed it. . . regular exercise. Stress at work? Try a work out. Problems sleeping? Break a sweat every morning. Want to live longer? […]