Life is unfair. Some people simply look better. Their faces are more symmetric. They are well proportioned. They have fat, but it is in the right places. Skin tone. Muscle definition. There is a lot that goes into beauty. All humans strive for beauty. Why? Because it is a sign of vitality. We idolize […]
Why Diets Fail and Why Sticking To It Matters More
There are more than 1000 diet books available and more popping up on Amazon every month. These are the “popular diets.” The newest fads. The new diet that everyone is talking about and promises to fix it all. In medicine I’ve learned to be skeptical when there are a thousand treatments for a condition. […]
Redesign Your Environment for Healthy Eating and Weight Loss
When I go to my parent’s house, I snack like crazy. My parents set out a serving bowl filled with candies and bars. When I walk through the door I reflexively go to the bowl with the peanut-filled M&Ms, grab a handful and munch. Just one . . maybe two . . . probably three […]
6 Weight Loss Secrets from the National Weight Control Registry
Would you be interested if I told you that there are over 10,000 people who have lost more than 30 pounds and have kept it off for at least a year? Would you want to learn their weight loss secrets? [adsanity id=2529 align=aligncenter /] This is a group of extremely successful weight loss achievers. […]