Drink one Starbuck’s Latte a day for one year and gain 20 pounds.
Not only do you burn $5 a day that you could be investing, but you also get fat.
Poor AND fat.
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The book The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach is essential reading for financial literacy. He teaches the “Latte Factor,” spending 5 bucks a day on a latte is the difference between financial security and financial ruin.
The “Latte Effect” applies to weight gain as well.
We underestimate the power of our everyday behaviors. This is the point behind such popular books as The Slight Edge and The Compound Effect. Small seemingly insignificant choices over time add up to either disaster or mastery of your life.
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Jim Rohn says it best:
It’s an apple a day – not a Hershey Bar a day!
So, do yourself a favor and work to continuously improve your behaviors.
Take the shot of vanilla syrup out of your morning latte.
If you survive, consider making your latte with unsweetened soymilk or almond milk. Continuously lower your sugar intake.
Get rid of the sugar in your life in small steps. Baby steps.
This may be the difference between a healthy you and 20 pounds overweight.
You can do it.
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